United Nations

Article 19: The Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression

Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) protects the right to freedom of opinion and expression. This right includes the freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

The protection of freedom of expression is essential for the realization of other human rights, such as the right to participate in public affairs, the right to freedom of assembly and association, and the right to seek and obtain asylum. It is also essential for the functioning of a democratic society, as it enables citizens to hold their governments accountable and to participate in the decision-making process.

Freedom of expression in the digital age

The digital age has brought about new challenges to freedom of expression. The internet has become a powerful tool for disseminating information and ideas, but it has also been used to spread misinformation and hate speech. Governments have also used the internet to suppress dissent and silence critical voices.

In response to these challenges, the United Nations has called on states to take steps to protect freedom of expression in the digital age. These steps include:

  • Reforming laws that restrict freedom of expression online
  • Providing legal protections for journalists and human rights defenders who are targeted for their work
  • Investing in digital literacy and media literacy programs
  • Promoting dialogue and understanding between different cultures and religions

The role of celebrities in promoting freedom of expression

Celebrities have a unique platform to promote freedom of expression. They can use their voices to speak out against censorship and repression, and they can help to raise awareness of the importance of this right.

In recent years, a number of celebrities have spoken out in support of freedom of expression. For example, in 2018, actor George Clooney spoke out against the Chinese government's crackdown on dissent. In 2019, singer Lady Gaga spoke out against the United States government's separation of families at the border.

These are just a few examples of the many ways that celebrities can use their voices to promote freedom of expression. By speaking out against censorship and repression, and by raising awareness of the importance of this right, celebrities can help to create a world where everyone is free to express their opinions and ideas.


Freedom of expression is a fundamental human right that is essential for the realization of other human rights and for the functioning of a democratic society. The digital age has brought about new challenges to freedom of expression, but celebrities can play a vital role in promoting this right. By speaking out against censorship and repression, and by raising awareness of the importance of freedom of expression, celebrities can help to create a world where everyone is free to express their opinions and ideas.

United Nations
United Nations
United Nations
United Nations
United Nations
United Nations
United Nations
United Nations