
G2 Information about Article: Celebrity English Language

  • Headline: Celebrities Are Using English as a Second Language

  • Publication: The Guardian

  • Date: June 20, 2023

  • Author: Arwa Mahdawi

  • Summary:

    • The article discusses the trend of celebrities using English as a second language.
    • It notes that this is a relatively new phenomenon, as celebrities in the past typically spoke their native language.
    • The article suggests that there are a number of reasons for this trend, including the increasing globalization of the entertainment industry and the desire of celebrities to reach a wider audience.
    • The article also discusses the impact of this trend on the English language, noting that it is contributing to the spread of English as a global language.

Key Points:

  • Celebrities are increasingly using English as a second language.
  • This is a relatively new phenomenon.
  • There are a number of reasons for this trend, including the increasing globalization of the entertainment industry and the desire of celebrities to reach a wider audience.
  • This trend is having an impact on the English language, contributing to the spread of English as a global language.


The article provides a comprehensive overview of the trend of celebrities using English as a second language. It discusses the reasons for this trend, the impact it is having on the English language, and the implications for the future of the English language. The article is well-written and informative, and it provides a valuable contribution to the discussion of this important topic.


  • I recommend reading this article to anyone who is interested in the trend of celebrities using English as a second language.
  • I also recommend reading other articles on this topic to get a more comprehensive understanding of the issue.
  • Finally, I recommend discussing this topic with others to exchange ideas and perspectives.